Dr. Freisleben, Dr. Stoklasa, Dr. Musaen
Reichsstraße 37
phone 0906.8011
Other emergency services can be found in the daily newspaper.
If you do not feel well, please notify our reception staff immediately!
ear, nose and throat doctor
Dr. Scheffler
Reichsstraße 42
phone 0906.1555
Donau-Ries Klinik Donauwörth
Neudegger Allee 6
phone 0906.782-0
Maximilium Orthophädie
Kapellstraße 42
phone 0906.299906310
Tozmann Josef
Sonnenstraße 7
phone 0906.4127
Langner Judith
Kapellstraße 42
phone 0906.29990910